The Westmoor Project Ltd

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The Westmoor Project Ltd has a key objective to provide advanced skills and business solutions for companies and organisations in the United Kingdom. The company is based in the South West of the UK and focuses most of its activity in this region. TWP Ltd is able to provide focused expertise in web site production. A particular thread are web site designs that require technical presentation, this is because of the expertise that has been gained by extensive technical presentations to highly qualified audience. The Westmoor Project have extended use of 3D CAD and graphic design. The company is able to offer extensive capabilities using advanced graphic design software. Designs can be produced for a variety of media, ranging from brochures, through kiosk presentations to web based and Flash presentation. We offer professional practical skills and advanced training in: Product design, Programme Management, Time Management, Marketing, CAD design (3D, 2D) and Brochure Design.

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People working at The Westmoor Project Ltd
Martin Deady
Managing Director
East Lambrook, England, United Kingdom
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