Theravance Biopharma US, Inc.

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At Theravance Biopharma, Inc., we are working to transform the treatment of serious diseases through the discovery and development of organ-selective medicines designed to maximize patient benefit while minimizing patient risk. As a spin-off of Theravance, Inc., Theravance Biopharma, Inc. was founded in 2014 and has offices in South San Francisco, and Dublin, Ireland. Our R&D and commercialization strategy is in the areas of inflammation and immunology and our pipeline of internally discovered programs is targeted to address significant patient needs. We are a place for collaborators and creative problem-solvers – people who thrive on applying insight and innovation to discovering novel medicines. We invite you to explore our job opportunities and learn more about what Theravance Biopharma has to offer www.theravance.com/join-our-team/our-culture-values. You can also connect with us on Twitter at @TheravanceBio. Please visit www.theravance.com/social-media-guidelines for more information on how to engage with Theravance Biopharma on social media.

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Theravance Biopharma US, Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 901 gateway boulevard, south san francisco, california, united states
Line 2: 901 Gateway Boulevard
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People working at Theravance Biopharma US, Inc.
Gail Cohen
Vice President Corporate Communications and Investor Relations
South San Francisco, California, United States
Aziz Sawaf, MBEE, MBA, CFA
Chief Financial Officer | Senior Vice President
South San Francisco, California, United States
Rick Winningham
South San Francisco, California, United States
Chris Porter
Vice President, Development Strategy and Innovation
South San Francisco, California, United States
Ramkumar Dorairaj
Lisa Wasson
Senior Director/Head of Market Access
South San Francisco, California, United States
Joseph Chen
Associate Director
South San Francisco, California, United States
Eran Broshy
Member Board of Directors
South San Francisco, California, United States
Ashok Narang
Director Enterprise Application
South San Francisco, California, United States
Roman Alper
Associate Director, Sales Operations
South San Francisco, California, United States
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