Tinder, Inc.

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As humans, there are few things more exciting than meeting someone new. At Tinder, we're inspired by the challenge of keeping the magic of human connection alive. With tens of millions of users, hundreds of millions of downloads, 2+ billion swipes per day, 20+ million matches per day and a presence in 190+ countries, our reach is expansive—and rapidly growing.

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Business Profiles
Company Profiles
Email addresses
Email Delivery
Tinder, Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 8833 sunset boulevard, west hollywood, ca, united states
Line 2: 8833 Sunset Boulevard
Tinder, Inc.'s industries
Software Development
Tinder, Inc.'s technology
Amazon AWS Disqus Google Font API Google Tag Manager Lever Mobile Friendly Varnish Vimeo Webflow
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