T-Junction Children's Services

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T Junction is a small, independent children's home offering placements for up to 3 young people aged between 7- 18 years who would benefit from living in a small group environment. Our overarching aim is to provide an outstanding service for children who come in to care through no fault of their own. The purpose of this service will be to provide outstanding accommodation, outstanding support, outstanding care, which will always encompass a warm and homely environment. We will do our best to champion and promote the importance of positive transition along with access to an excellent education at every available opportunity We will always endeavour to build young people's confidence, self-esteem, resilience, and independence as we recognise how important these are in ensuring young people go on to lead fulfilling and successful lives.

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People working at T-Junction Children's Services
Tim Clare BA MSc PgDip
Managing Director
Adam Atkins
Business Support Manager
C Bonner
Registered manager
Lyndsay Curry
Business Support Associate
Tyler Jane Shaw
Shift Leader / RSW
Karina Cichocka
Residential Support Worker
Keith Davenport
Child And Youth Worker
Verity Whittaker
Ex teacher, now residential support worker
Annalise Hirons
Children support worker
T Junction Childrens Services
Recruitment Specialist
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