Tracer Inc.

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Located in the midst of the Colorado high-tech hub, Tracer Inc. embodies all that it means to be a modern onshore PCBA supplier: Highly automated processes, lean manufacturing practices, quality deliverables, and a dedication to customer service and satisfaction that is second to none. Tracer has the resources to support Colorado companies in hitting their target, be it a few PCBAs needed within a matter of days, or an ongoing production run with 1000s of thousands of units at low cost. Specializing in Medical, Aerospace, Communications, and Energy technology, Tracer has practical knowledge of a variety of PCBA applications and their associated assembly implications. Tracer's flexible and dynamic services are demonstrated by its customer base, which ranges from the small entrepreneurial venture to the multibillion-dollar international corporation. With its state-of-the-art equipment and techniques, Tracer is a sure bet when it comes to printed circuit board assembly.

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Tracer Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 13551 west 43rd drive, golden, co, united states
Line 2: 13551 W 43rd Dr
Tracer Inc.'s industries
electrical/electronic manufacturing
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People working at Tracer Inc.
Scott Jewell
VP Sales & Marketing
Golden, Colorado, United States
Tyler Toth, MBA
Golden, Colorado, United States
Marena Strauss
Sales Engineer
Golden, Colorado, United States
Yollie Garner
Office Manager
Golden, Colorado, United States
Mike Kyle
Electronics Manufacturing Tech
Golden, Colorado, United States
Quality Control Inspector
Golden, Colorado, United States
Rutuja M.
Electrical Engineer
Golden, Colorado, United States
Joshua Schulte
SMT Operator/Programmer
Golden, Colorado, United States
Samuel Solis Solis
Instrumentation Supervisor
Lauro Lopez
I&E tech
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