Table Media GmbH

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You are a minister or responsible officer, you work as a scientist or you belong to a board. You work as a lawyer or in an NGO, your advice is heard, your decisions have consequences. You must be well informed in your field. Always reliable and first – in the shortest possible time. Then Table.Media's Professional Briefings are made for you. Table.Media professional briefings are read in the right places: in the federal government and the EU Commission, in global corporations and NGOs, at universities and in think tanks, in associations and embassies, in law firms and consulting firms, always on several levels - by those who decide and those who prepare decisions. The best description of our audience: It's the Competence Leaders. What connects them is their competence in and for a topic.

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Media Production
People working at Table Media GmbH
Michael Liebert
Chief Technology Officer
Torsten Sewing
Redaktionsleiter ESG.Table
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Carlos Walser
Social Media Marketing Manager
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Johanna Dannemann
Head Of Marketing
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Denni Klein
Chief Development Officer
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Corinna Schlapps
Senior Manager Events
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Sebastian Gehr
Commercial Manager Greater China
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Nora Kopplin
Chief Growth Officer
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Yasmin Lenth
Kaufmännische Leiterin
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Jochen Beutgen
Managing Director
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