Trase - Intelligence for sustainable trade

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Trase is an open-access online platform that revolutionises supply chain transparency for key globally-traded agricultural commodities. Connecting data sources in innovative ways, Trase represents a step-change in the ability to link commodity buyers to individual production regions and the sustainability risks and opportunities in those regions. Banner photo credit: Marizilda Cruppe

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Line 1: 4 Frewin Court, Oxford, England OX1 3HZ, GB
Line 2: 51 Frewin Court
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People working at Trase - Intelligence for sustainable trade
Vivian Ribeiro
Trase Spatial Intelligence lead
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
André Vasconcelos
Global Engagement Lead
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Isabel Nepstad
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Tiago Reis
Trase engagement lead: South America - Transparency for Sustainable Economies
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Vítor Árkiro
UX/UI Design Consultant
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Emma Gollub
Corporate Engagement Lead
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Clément Suavet
Technical Director
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Chris West
Market Engagement Lead, York Centre Lead & Senior Research Fellow
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Bernardo Loureiro
Data Observatory Lead
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
Ailsa Sinclair
Senior Designer
Oxford, England, United Kingdom
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