trich.ai | Intelligent Solutions

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We are a multidisciplinary and decentralized team of people with a lot of experience in analytics and big data. We have some of the most recognized professionals on the market, willing to find the best solutions for your data, seeking to implement solutions, a new vision on how data works and also the establishment of a data-driven culture. Our headquarters are in São Paulo - Brazil, but we have professionals from all over the world, such as Canada, India, Germany, Senegal, Amsterdam, Spain and more. We strive to the maximum, to use open-source solutions for our clients and we have a lot of experience working with this. To get your quote, click on the "Contact" tab and let us know how you think data science can help you increase your earnings.

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trich.ai | Intelligent Solutions's headquarter address
Line 1: são paulo, são paulo 05421001, br
trich.ai | Intelligent Solutions's industries
information technology & services
trich.ai | Intelligent Solutions's technology
Amazon AWS Apache DigitalOcean Google Font API Google Tag Manager Mobile Friendly NSOne
People working at trich.ai | Intelligent Solutions
Leonardo Ferreira
Chief Data Scientist Consultant
Paraíba, Brazil
Natacha Romano
Software Engineer
Paraíba, Brazil
You can find 2 people working at trich.ai | Intelligent Solutions on FinalScout. Create a free account to view details including email addresses.
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