Triple S Steel Holdings, Inc.

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Simply put, we supply people who build things out of steel. More specifically, we're a general line service center with special emphasis in the construction markets. Our roots are in Houston, but over the last 50 years our business has taken us throughout North America, Central and South America and Asia. We have locations as far west as Southern California and as far east as Knoxville, Tennessee. From a small family retail operation, our business has grown to where we sell nearly 1 million tons per year. But we haven't forgotten where we came from or that we're still a family business: We may supply steel for bridges, stadiums, barges and large buildings but we still sell to "do-it-yourselfers,"​ too. While we may not know each customer by name our founding principles remain the same—we take care of our customers like family.

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Triple S Steel Holdings, Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: 11310 w little york rd, houston, texas, united states
Line 2: 11310 W Little York Rd
Triple S Steel Holdings, Inc.'s industries
mining & metals
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Apache Google AdSense Google AdWords Conversion Google Analytics Google Maps Microsoft Office 365 Mimecast Mobile Friendly Nginx Outlook
People working at Triple S Steel Holdings, Inc.
Orlando Rodríguez
Director Of Operations
Houston, Texas, United States
Carsten Schwarz
Purchasing Manager - Intsel Steel West
Houston, Texas, United States
Marisol Solis
Director, Digital Transformation
Houston, Texas, United States
Ingrid J. Stevenson, MSHRM
Human Resources Manager
Houston, Texas, United States
Sean Evans
Chief Financial Officer
Tanner Hickman
Vice President of Safety & Logistics
Houston, Texas, United States
Gary Stein
Bradley Head
Project Manager/Mechanical Engineer
Houston, Texas, United States
Sandra T. Sosa, MSHRD, PHR, SHRM-CP
Human Resources Director
Houston, Texas, United States
Jon Hooker
Operations Manager
Houston, Texas, United States
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