Tripsolver Inc

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Tripsolver is fast growing innovation company with hybrid travel technology. Tripsolver Patented Next Zen Technology is market first platform to Re-Price on travel from open markets, travel providers and suppliers. Travel providers and Agencies can re-price in real time on selected travel requests with instant confirmation. We re-invent travel with Tripsolver one stop enterprise solutions. A complete shift from existing traditional model to advanced offline booking, Online Search Engine, Loyalty and Identity management solutions. Interested in working with us or trying one of our solution, please mail us at support@tripsolver.net

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Tripsolver Inc's headquarter address
Line 1: 9901 valley ranch pkwy e, irving, texas, united states, 75063
Line 2: 9901 Valley Ranch Pkwy E
Tripsolver Inc's industries
information technology & services
Tripsolver Inc's technology
ASP.NET Bootstrap Framework Clicky Facebook Custom Audiences Gmail Google Apps Google Font API Google Tag Manager Microsoft Azure Hosting Microsoft-IIS Mobile Friendly reCAPTCHA
People working at Tripsolver Inc
Neetu Singh
Scrum Master
JAI Shukla
Business Analyst
Mark Jad
Founder and CEO
Allamsetty Aravind
Sr. Techincal Lead
Irving, Texas, United States
Lavanya Yemineni
Software Developer
Irving, Texas, United States
harsha vardhini
iOS Developer
Irving, Texas, United States
shirisha s
UI Developer
Irving, Texas, United States
saichander b
Ticketing Agent
Irving, Texas, United States
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