TRISTAR Insurance Group

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TRISTAR began as an insurance program manager and medical malpractice claims administrator in 1987. Workers compensation claims management services were added in our offerings in 1989, and the Company was renamed TRISTAR Risk Management in 1995. As managed care and benefits administration services were added to our offerings, the organization grew into TRISTAR. We are the largest privately held third party claims administrator in United States. We empower more than 1,000+ professionals in offices throughout the United States, focusing business operations in three divisions: property casualty claims management, benefits administration, and managed care services. We are true to our values of RESPECT, INTEGRITY, TRUST, and EXCELLENCE, making the right choices both financially and ethically. At TRISTAR we strive to create an environment of respect, wherein all of us are encouraged to learn and to grow, to provide exceptional service to our clients and in turn to enjoy the satisfaction that comes from a job well done. We believe that to provide real service, we must contribute something which cannot be bought or measured with money: sincerity and integrity.At TRISTAR, you help create a world in which together we "transform risk into opportunity".

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TRISTAR Insurance Group's headquarter address
Line 1: 100 oceangate, suite 700, long beach, ca 90802, us
Line 2: 100 Oceangate
TRISTAR Insurance Group's industries
TRISTAR Insurance Group's technology
Property Casualty Claims Management Benefits Administration Managed Care Services.
People working at TRISTAR Insurance Group
Linda Naif
Chief Information Officer
Long Beach, California, United States
Tom Veale
Long Beach, California, United States
Mary Ann Lubeskie
Vice President of Operations, TRISTAR Managed Care
Long Beach, California, United States
Tom Hebson, CCI, CWCP
VP Sales and Marketing
Long Beach, California, United States
Susan Kennedy
Health And Wellness Coach
Long Beach, California, United States
Garrett Cantrell
Director of IT Infrastructure
Long Beach, California, United States
Zenaida Garcia
Claims Examiner II
Long Beach, California, United States
Nycole Rochford
Marketing and Proposal Writer
Long Beach, California, United States
Durai John Sundaram
IT Manager, Application Services
Long Beach, California, United States
Tom Williams
VP Risk Management Strategies at TRISTAR Insurance Group
Long Beach, California, United States
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