Tru-Test Group

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Tru-Test Group are proud to have become part of the Datamars family. The Datamars business is based on the understanding that the way people regard their environment, what they eat, where it’s from and how it’s produced is changing rapidly. We see it as our responsibility to work with our customers – livestock producers, distributors and retailers alike – to navigate this change. We proudly produce and deliver livestock identification and weighing solutions, electric fence and farm resource management solutions, animal health delivery solutions, milk meters, pet identification and textile identification solutions. We are proud of our stable of globally recognised brands, including Tru-Test, Stafix, Speedrite, PEL, Patriot, Hayes, Zee Tags and Simcro, which are sold through our well established global network of subsidiaries and distribution partners into more than 100 countries. For more information about the Datamars business and the exciting addition of the Tru-Test Group business, visit

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Tru-Test Group's industries
Tru-Test Group's technology
Animal management systems Livestock weighing Animal identification - RFID Milk metering Electric fencing systems Security fencing Contract manufacturing - electronics On farm milk cooling and storage Dairy shed automation Farm Tech Farming Technology Farm Innovation Farming Solutions
People working at Tru-Test Group
Niall Cairns
Non-Executive Director
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Victor Li
Test Systems Engineer
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Vicky Radosavljevic
Sales and Marketing Coordinator
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Cliff Cobb
Nancy Ann Gill
Marketing Manger
Paul Frecklington
New Zealand Operations Manager - Hamilton Site Manager
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Chris Lee
Group Leader
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Peter Mandeno
Human Resources Manager
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
José Alexandre Generoso
Gerente de Projetos (área técnica e comercial)
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Adam Muncey
Electronic engineer
Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
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