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Promotion is also named as “supportive events to increase sales” and it is also one of major methods that is used in our country as well. Türmak AS was established in 1975 as manufacturer for automobile parts and molds. Promotion was not known as a sector then. In 1980's, with entrance of promotion to our lives, TURMAK converted its structure to promotipnal materials and always replied demans from different industries with care and have always been one of leader companies in promotional field. Turmak is especially expert on Wall clocks and also does various desktop items and kitchenwares. OEM items for personal use are also in company's range. Apart from Turkey market, Turmak is also aiming to increase sales internationally and with TIME ONE brand exporting all european countries. 50% of Turmak's turnover is from Export Business.

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metin erdeniz
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