Turnium Technology Group Inc.

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The Cloud era has become a reality. Hundreds of new applications, virtualization and software-driven architectures have transformed IT. Now enterprise networks are facing unprecedented challenges. An important component of the network that is often overlooked is the WAN (Wide-Area Network). How can it support exponentially-growing volumes of traffic, now consisting of video, cloud applications, rich-media data, while meeting SLAs (Service Level Agreements)? Can you do it without deploying traditional devices that require tedious error-prone manual configurations? All while increasing visibility and control? And on a budget? The answer is TURNIUM SD-WAN. TURNIUM SD-WAN can help you power your business with agility, control, simplicity and security, while maintaining the application performance and reducing costs.

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Turnium Technology Group Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: vancouver, bc
Turnium Technology Group Inc.'s industries
information technology & services
Turnium Technology Group Inc.'s technology
Outlook Microsoft Office 365 Google Cloud Hosting Typekit WordPress.org Hubspot Google Font API Google Tag Manager Mobile Friendly Nginx
People working at Turnium Technology Group Inc.
Randy Fitton
Head of Sales Asia
North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Johan Arnet
Founder and CEO at Turnium Technology Group, Inc.
North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Craig Calkins
Partnerships Director
North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Juliet Jones, CPA CGA
Chief Financial Officer
North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Haresh Kheskani
CTO/VP of Engineering
North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Sandeep Panesar
EVP, Strategic Alliances
North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Logan Campbell
Interim Chief Revenue Officer
North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
John Wigboldus
Chief Revenue Officer (CRO)
North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Peter Smyrniotis
Board Member
North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Nicky Kearns
Global Business Development
North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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