Tursam Galvanize and Steel Structure Production

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In 2004, Tursam entered the sector with the design and manufacture of energy and lighting poles, and in 2012, by acquaring Wiegel Factory in Hendek, the German galvanize company, Tursam has included the hot dip galvanizing process which is an integral part of the production. Today, 18.000 m2 closed, 50.000 m2 area facility, 250 people workforce and 75.000 tons galvanizing per year, 8.000 tons steel construction, 6.000 tons rail vehicle parts and components, 6.000 tons power transmission lines, 60.000 tons solar energy systems mechanical parts manufacturing capacity, Tursam has been involved in all aspects of design, manufacturing, galvanization and assembly in the steel manufacturing sector and has become one of the leading companies in the sector capable of performing with the latest technological systems that provide more production with less energy ". Production and installation of solar power plants, Power transmission lines and GSM poles. Tursam Holding, which follows all the developments in the sector globally and provides high quality products and contributes to the quality of life of the society, is sensitive to its surroundings, employees and customers, recognizes its obligations, implements its quality and efficiency.

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Line 1: TURSAM, Sakarya, Hendek 54300, TR
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Serçin Hastürk
imalat sorumlusu
Sakarya, Sakarya, Turkey
Production Engineer
Sakarya, Sakarya, Turkey
Abdulkerim TÜRK
Genel Koordinatör
Sakarya, Sakarya, Turkey
ermihal üner
sevkiyat sorumlusu
onurcan özdoğan
Kalite kontrol mühendisi
Sakarya, Sakarya, Turkey
Seyit Efe Kara
Sakarya, Sakarya, Turkey
Hasan Aktürk
Mekanik formen
Sakarya, Sakarya, Turkey
Fırat Akdağ
cnc kesim
Sakarya, Sakarya, Turkey
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