UIS Technology Partners

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Since 1996, UIS Technology Partners has proven to be an industry leading provider of Information Technology services to small, mid-market, enterprise, and non-profit businesses throughout Northern California. UIS has served over 100 companies in a wide array of industries, including Government, Financial, Manufacturing, Marketing, Medical, and Venture Capital. Capabilities include both managed services, such as desktop support, server support, network monitoring, and strategic planning, as well as hosted services, such as storage and backup, network infrastructures, and 24x7 monitoring. The company specializes in total IT support, acting as a third party outsourcing partner to solve any IT need. UIS is represented by a team consisting of IT professionals and computer technicians that is experienced in many areas, including IT Strategic Planning, Business Continuity, Project Management, Network Assessment, and Disaster Recovery Planning. The UIS management team averages over 20 years of experience in Information Technology. UIS Technology Partners has the skill set to adapt quickly to changing technology, allowing the company to stand by its' core competency in delivering custom solutions for business needs. We realize a one size solution does not fit all. Our focus is to understand our client's business and to become a part of their team. We are a proud member of the Better Business Bureau and have an "A+ Rating."​

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UIS Technology Partners's headquarter address
Line 1: 1035 minnesota ave., suite g, san jose, ca 95125, us
Line 2: 1035 Minnesota Ave
UIS Technology Partners's industries
information technology & services
UIS Technology Partners's technology
AddThis Apache Google Analytics Google Font API Microsoft Office 365 Mobile Friendly Nginx Outlook Salesforce Vimeo WordPress.org ZipRecruiter reCAPTCHA
People working at UIS Technology Partners
Thomas Leavitt
Sr. Level Systems Administration Consultant
San Jose, California, United States
Paul Dorian
San Jose, California, United States
Jessica Hayes
Project Manager
San Jose, California, United States
Sean Wilkey
IT Support Specialist
San Jose, California, United States
Christian Spence
CTO and Principal
San Jose, California, United States
Tom Hawj
IT Specialist
San Jose, California, United States
Tony Swanson
Service Desk Manager
San Jose, California, United States
Christopher Young
Senior Systems Administrator
San Jose, California, United States
Juan Villaherrera
Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist
San Jose, California, United States
Alan Otero
System Engineer & Manager of Desktop Support Techs (entrylevel)
San Jose, California, United States
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