UK Rail Engineering
UK Rail Engineering is a start up consultancy specialising in the provision of permanent way services inclusive of maintenance, renewals and S&C or plain line refurbishment. Employing agile working and systems engineering concepts our organisation provides engineered solutions which integrate seamlessly with common railway environment interfaces: Signalling, OLE, Civil Buildings and Structures. UK Rail Engineering was founded in 2016 by the Managing Director Adam Haigh FdEng MPWI. Adam has a wealth of permanent way experience ranging from permanent way maintenance through to permanent way design, project management, contractors responsible engineer ( Development & Construction) and was invited to contribute to the development of Guidance for Refurbishment of Switch & Crossings standard which is currently awaiting to be released. Our organisation is currently actively seeking to engage with clients on permanent way projects between GRIP stages 1-8 with the Life Extension/ Refurbishment field. Services that can be Provided:- Project Management Generation of Work Item Specifications AMP Management Track Quality Analysis Track Design (Lite & Enhanced) Track Handback Track Monitoring (Plans & Survey/Monitoring) Track Engineer Support (Technical Staff) Mentorship of on site works for inexperienced staff Rail Stressing