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Ultra Hygiene Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Ultra Hygiene Industries Pvt Ltd was formed in 2020 as a sister concern company of Vital Marketing Pvt Ltd. Vital has been an industry leader in manufacturing of baby diapers and sanitary pads in Pakistan. Growing demand led to the company opting for vertical integration and thus resulting in formation of Ultra Hygiene Industries Pvt Ltd. We at Ultra provide B2B products related to the diaper and hygiene industry.
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Ultra Hygiene Industries Pvt. Ltd.'s headquarter address
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264-b sundar industrial estate, lahore, pk
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People working at Ultra Hygiene Industries Pvt. Ltd.
Faisal Raza
Chief Financial Officer
You can find 2 people working at Ultra Hygiene Industries Pvt. Ltd. on FinalScout. Create a free account to view details including email addresses.
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