Union Bank UK PLC

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We offer a range of services for both UK, Nigerian and all African residents and Businesses, including competitive savings accounts in £GBP, $US and €uro, UK buy-to-let mortgages, personal and business current accounts with £GBP & $US debit cards, internet banking, commercial loans and trade finance facilities. We are authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Prudential Regulation Authority and Financial Conduct Authority. Deposits with Union Bank UK plc are protected by the UK Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

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Union Bank UK PLC's headquarter address
Line 1: 1 Kings Arms Yard, London, England EC2R 7AF, GB
Line 2: 1 Kings Arms Yard
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People working at Union Bank UK PLC
Emeka G Okonkwo
Non Executive Director
Liverpool Street, England, United Kingdom
Kajal Agnihotri
Chief Risk Officer
Liverpool Street, England, United Kingdom
Derek Chime
Non Executive Director
Liverpool Street, England, United Kingdom
Abraham Ujah (M.Sc)(MNIM)(CFE in view)
Fraud Monitoring Internal Control
Liverpool Street, England, United Kingdom
KYC Business Analyst
Liverpool Street, England, United Kingdom
Davina H.
Corporate Human Resources
Liverpool Street, England, United Kingdom
Kathleen Blondrage
Banking Services Manager
Liverpool Street, England, United Kingdom
Tayfun Alper
IT Technical Mananger
Liverpool Street, England, United Kingdom
Renuka Devi Premkumar
Principal Officer
Liverpool Street, England, United Kingdom
Prem Nayee
Executive Banking Officer
Liverpool Street, England, United Kingdom
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