Unit Media Group

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Unit Media is a forward-thinking digital distributor. Our goal is to successfully work with our clients on a long-term basis. For that we combine personal service and future-oriented technology. Having emerged as a joint venture between Respect Music and [] Music Production, we have access to an international distribution network that has been established over many years. This allows us to offer all relevant services in the fields of music, movies, TV and e-books as well as to distribute digital content of all kinds across all genres. On top, we produce physical records as well as books and are also connected to an affiliate music and book publisher. Besides our core business as digital distribution, we actively support our clients concerning their YouTube and social media communication. Furthermore, our technology team continuously is developing new ways of distributing content and meeting the current challenges of the digital world. All these activities enable us to provide labels, publishers and producers with an integrated service surrounded by a professional and relaxed working atmosphere.

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Apache Facebook Custom Audiences Facebook Login (Connect) Facebook Widget Google AdSense Google Analytics Google Font API Google Tag Manager Hotjar Mobile Friendly Nginx reCAPTCHA
People working at Unit Media Group
Klaus Schmidt
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Dr. Johannes von Bismarck
Non Executive Chairman
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Laura Petrillo
Marketing Manager
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Ralf Henninger
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Laura Neubauer
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
Ralf Picka
Head of Label Relations
Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
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