United Archives GmbH

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United Archives was founded and formed by the German entrepreneur Frank Nikolaus Golomb in 2008 planned as a stable essence after turbulent 20 years of professional experience in the picture industry since 1988. The aim is to give press photo archives and photographer life estates a stable new home, in which they have the economic basis to be developed digitally and to survive for the future generations. Today United Archives is the essence of 9 press photo archives and 14 photographer estates with an estimated asset base of about 25 Mio images, all acquired with full rights. United Archives activities are spreaded over 2 wide areas, focussing on the digitalization of owned images, licensing these to publishing clients and activities in the cultural field, for ex. partnering for projects for Europeana, the culture portal of the European Commision and to support exhibitions. A personal approach of the founder is to develop the degree of awareness of photographers' names and their lifeworks in the digital age to keep them unforgotten and to create access to these works through the internet to future generations.

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United Archives GmbH's headquarter address
Line 1: achterstr. 7b, cologne, de
Line 2: 7B Achterstraße
United Archives GmbH's industries
media production
United Archives GmbH's technology
JW Player
People working at United Archives GmbH
Frank Nikolaus Golomb
Founder and CEO
Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Holger Much
Freier Fotojournalist
Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Julius Paul Luca Golomb
Social Media Manager
Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Alexander Wittmann
Photo editor, photographer care and own productions
Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Christine Schwarz
Support Executive Channel Partner, Photo Editor, Archivist
Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Christine Schwarz
Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Christine Schwarz
Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
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