Universidade de Lisboa

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The history of the Universidade de Lisboa, the large spectrum of offered programmes, the high quality of its teachers and researchers, the continuing innovation effort, as well as its scientific, bibliographic, cultural, technological and artistic credits are features that guarantee our national and international recognition. Studies on our students' academic trajectories and on our graduates' employability rate reveal a large correlation between getting a degree in the Universidade de Lisboa and getting a job connected with their studies. The location of the Universidade de Lisboa, in the city centre, is a guarantee of easy access to transports and to the intense cosmopolitan and cultural life of the city.

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Miguel Marques
Póvoa de Lisboa, Viseu, Portugal
José Baptista
Researcher | PhD Candidate
Póvoa de Lisboa, Viseu, Portugal
Tânia Fernandes
Diretora Dep. Técnico | Obras Públicas, Sustentabilidade, Gestão&Manutenção das Instalações
Póvoa de Lisboa, Viseu, Portugal
Sérgio C. Vicente
Diretor de Compras, Património e Projetos
Póvoa de Lisboa, Viseu, Portugal
Luis Lopes
Assistant Professor / Professor Auxiliar
Póvoa de Lisboa, Viseu, Portugal
Karl Wienhold
PHD Candidate
Póvoa de Lisboa, Viseu, Portugal
Miquéias Lopes-Pacheco
Póvoa de Lisboa, Viseu, Portugal
Pedro Lima
Professor Auxiliar
Luis Batista
Coordenador Núcleo de Compras
Póvoa de Lisboa, Viseu, Portugal
Ana Amaro Fernandes
Núcleo de Compras
Póvoa de Lisboa, Viseu, Portugal
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