University of Louisville

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The University of Louisville is a state supported research university located in Kentucky's largest metropolitan area. It was a municipally supported public institution for many decades prior to joining the university system in 1970. The University has three campuses. The 287-acre Belknap Campus is three miles from downtown Louisville and houses seven of the university's 11 colleges and schools. The Health Sciences Center is situated in downtown Louisville's medical complex and houses the university's health related programs and the University of Louisville Hospital. The 243-acre Shelby Campus is located in eastern Jefferson County.

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University of Louisville's headquarter address
Line 1: 2301 S 3rd St, Louisville, ky 40292-0001, US
Line 2: 2301 S 3rd St
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Higher Education
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Research Medical research Education Science Arts Engineering Medicine Medical School Law School Entrepreneur Program Business School
People working at University of Louisville
Melisa Adkins, EJD, MBA, BSN, RN
Chief Executive Officer- UofL Health-Mary & Elizabeth Hospital & Peace Hospital
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Josh Nickols, PhD
Innovation Advisor
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Katherine Stevenson
Executive Director - Enterprise Technology Services
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Tom Miller
Rehan Khan
Vice President and Chief Information Officer
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Shane Wentz
Guest Lecturer
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Jaclan W.
Technology and Operations Management
Mark Watkins
Chief Operating Officer
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Neeli Bendapudi
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Dr. Ron Sheffield, PMP, RODC, SSBB, CSM, SAFe
Executive In Residence and Clinical Assistant Professor
Louisville, Kentucky, United States
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