University of Massachusetts Lowell

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UMass Lowell is a Massachusetts-based educational institution that offers undergraduate and graduate programs in disciplines such as accounting and biology for students.

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University of Massachusetts Lowell's headquarter address
Line 1: One University Ave, Lowell, MA 01854-5104, US
Line 2: 1 University Ave
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People working at University of Massachusetts Lowell
Tim Looney
Senior Adjunct Professor
Lowell, Massachusetts, United States
Heather Takle
Advisory Board Member - Rist Institute of Sustainability & Energy
Lowell, Massachusetts, United States
Deidra Zarrella
Adjunct Professor - Information Technology
Lowell, Massachusetts, United States
Michael Rogers
Alumni Board Member, School of Criminology and Justice Studies
Lowell, Massachusetts, United States
Julie Chen
Lowell, Massachusetts, United States
Kevin Willett
Senior Adjunct Faculty, Manning School of Business at Umass Lowell
Nancy Briefs
Entrepreneur In Residence
Lowell, Massachusetts, United States
Lori Dembowitz
Associate CIO
Lowell, Massachusetts, United States
Shannon Kelleher
Professor, Biomedical and Nutritional Sciences
Barbara Russell
Adjunct Professor - Entrepreneurship
Lowell, Massachusetts, United States
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