University of Strathclyde Law Clinic

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The University of Strathclyde Law Clinic is a student run charity, aiming to enhance access to justice for those who cannot attain it through any other means. Since its launch in 2003, it has helped over 950 people achieve justice through advice and representation (up to and including the courts and employment tribunals) in areas of housing law, employment law, consumer law and many others. More recently, it has established a number of projects which aim to educate members of the community about their legal rights so as to avoid problems arising in the first place and to empower them to help themselves when problems do arise.

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People working at University of Strathclyde Law Clinic
Audrey Brian Valdeavella
Law Clinic Student Advisor
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Kathleen Laverty
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Gordon Gow
Student Advisor
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Charlene T.
IAC Advisor
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Arün Séamus Smith
Equalities, Diversity, and Inclusion Officer
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Abbie Clark
Communications Officer
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Katie Proctor
Student Advisor
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Amy Flight
Student Legal Advisor
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Shreya Kulshrestha
Program Representative
Joy Okungbowa
Student legal advisor
Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
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