University of Waterloo

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University of Waterloo is a leader in innovation that drives economic and social prosperity for Canada and the world. We are home to a renowned talent pipeline, game-changing research and technology, and unmatched entrepreneurial culture, that together create solutions to tackle today's and tomorrow's challenges. Our greatest impact happens together. A strategic integration of research and teaching excellence, the world's largest co-operative education program, entrepreneurship-intensive programs, and creator-owned IP, has resulted in extensive industry collaboration, the generation of thousands of commercial and social enterprises, and a dynamic learning experience for more than 41,000 undergraduate and graduate students.

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University of Waterloo's headquarter address
Line 1: 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, CA
Line 2: 200 University Ave W
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People working at University of Waterloo
Daegeon Kang
Undergraduate Student
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Geoffrey Wall
Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Department of Geography and Environmental Management
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Michael Ashmore, CFA
Chair, Finance & Investment Committee
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Gennaro Notomista
Assistant Professor
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Sebastian Fischmeister
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Chadi Elkadri
Lecturer, Engineering
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Sergey G.
Assistant Professor
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Chee Hau Teoh
Researcher | Entrepreneur
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Jauher Ahmad
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Ajay Batish
Member Of The Board Of Advisors
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
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