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UNSW Computer Science and Engineering
Welcome to the School of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), which is also commonly referred to as UNSW Computing. UNSW Computing is part of the Faculty of Engineering. We were founded in 1991 out of the former Department of Computer Science within the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. We are now one of the largest Schools of our kind in Australia. The academic staff have research focus in areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Databases, Embedded and Operating Systems, Networks, Programming Languages, Service Oriented Computing, Software Engineering, Theory, and UNSW Computing is a partner with Data61 (formally NICTA - the National ICT Australia group).
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UNSW Computer Science and Engineering's headquarter address
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Barker Street, Building K17 (Computer Science and Engineering Building), Kensington, NSW 2052, AU
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Barker St & Engineering Rd
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People working at UNSW Computer Science and Engineering
Jacob Rendina
Academic Tutor
Kensington Park, South Australia, Australia
Mo Hossny
Senior Research Fellow (AI & Data Science)
Kensington Park, South Australia, Australia
Igor Volanski
Computer Science Teacher
Kensington Park, South Australia, Australia
Vivian Wang
Casual Academic
Kensington Park, South Australia, Australia
Ali Bakhshi
Postdoctoral Researcher
Kensington Park, South Australia, Australia
Abiram .
Casual Academic
Kensington Park, South Australia, Australia
Alicia Shih
Casual Academic
Kensington Park, South Australia, Australia
Sonit Singh
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Kensington Park, South Australia, Australia
Shantanu Kulkarni
Casual Lecturer
Kensington Park, South Australia, Australia
Aaron Quigley
Head of School
Kensington Park, South Australia, Australia
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