Up Hellas

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We are Up. We believe that happy and healthy employees work better and smarter. We help you make this happen while improving productivity and saving money for your business. We design and deliver digital-first employee benefits that transform the workplace experience. Each of our solutions is designed with one simple goal: providing the best customer experience, no matter the solution. This revolves around two core principles: simplicity and fun! Let's be honest, the best solution is simple to implement, hassle free and (very) fun to use! Every day, we help tens of thousands of leading companies all over Greece to engage and retain their people. We are constantly learning, fine tuning the Up experience and looking towards the future.

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Up Hellas's headquarter address
Line 1: 6 dragatsaniou, athens, attiki 105 59, gr
Line 2: 6 Δραγατσανίου
Up Hellas's industries
financial services
Up Hellas's technology
ASP.NET Apache Atlassian Cloud Bootstrap Framework Cloudflare DNS ElasticEmail Facebook Custom Audiences Google Font API Mailchimp Mandrill Microsoft Office 365 Mobile Friendly Nginx Outlook SendInBlue Ubuntu Vercel
People working at Up Hellas
Joanna Giannarou
Head Of Marketing
Athens, Attiki, Greece
Manolis Tsistrakis
Business Developer Team Leader
Athens, Attiki, Greece
Bastien Agnes
Managing Director
Athens, Attiki, Greece
Triantafyllos Bergeles
Commercial Director
Athens, Attiki, Greece
Dimitra Karafyllaki
Business Developer
Athens, Attiki, Greece
Chara Varvaresou
Marketing Coordinator
Athens, Attiki, Greece
Lory Barazian
Director of Operations and Compliance
Athens, Attiki, Greece
Iliana Chalimourda
Product Marketing Executive
Athens, Attiki, Greece
Vassiliki (Vicky) Couvaras
People & Culture Head
Athens, Attiki, Greece
Kyriakos Chousakos
Business Developer
Athens, Attiki, Greece
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