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DMAG USA is a Woman Owned small business that is HUBZone certified. We specialize in disruptive technologies that allow for a green future with technology that cleans up greenhouse gases and collects the carbon, and provides a circular economy. We also have technology to make hydrogen on demand that is 100% green, sustainable, and very low cost. Our management team has an average of 40 over 42 years of experience in Battery Storage, Hydrogen on Demand, Thermal Engineering, and Carbon Capture. We are well versed in process development, machining, manufacturing and plating methodologies. , DMAG USA synthesizes their knowledge, the customer's specifications and the production goals to arrive at a practical solution that delivers high quality products in the time frame needed. DMAG USA repeatedly demonstrates endless energy, commitment, collaboration, and results.

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UR ONE USA's headquarter address
Line 1: 1320 se second street, suite 2114, evansville, in 47713, us
Line 2: 1320 SE 2nd St
UR ONE USA's industries
renewables & environment
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