USA Taekwondo

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The United States Olympic Committee (USOC) recognizes USA Taekwondo (USAT) as the National Governing Body (NGB) for the sport of Taekwondo in the United States. A primary function of the NGB is to conduct national and international events in its sport. Taekwondo and the Olympic Games The object of Taekwondo is to land kicks and punches on your opponent's scoring zones: one point is awarded for a valid kick or punch to the torso, two points for a valid spinning kick, three points for a valid kick to the head and four points for a turning kick to the head. The action takes place inside an 8m x 8m zone called a court, with each contest made up of three two-minute rounds. Over their standard white uniform, known as a ‘Dobok', competitors wear colored protective equipment. The competitor wearing blue is referred to as ‘Chung', while the competitor in red is ‘Hong'. Olympic Taekwondo, past and present Taekwondo made its debut as a demonstration sport at the Seoul 1988 Games, but was not officially added to the Olympic programme until the Sydney 2000 Games. Since then, USA Taekwondo has earned eight Olympic medals-- two gold, two silver and four bronze. Mailing Address: USA Taekwondo, One Olympic Plaza, Colorado Springs, CO 80909 National Office Phone Number: (719) 866-4632 National Office Fax Number: (719) 866-4642

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USA Taekwondo's headquarter address
Line 1: 1 olympic plz, colorado springs, co, united states
Line 2: 1 Olympic Plaza
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Spectator Sports
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People working at USA Taekwondo
Christy Strong Simmons
Owner / CEO
Alexander White (We/Us/Our)
Olympic Taekwondo Athlete/Competitor
United States
Justin Faiferlick
United States
Seth Wilson
Board Member
Sean Ramey
Terry Weyman D.C.,C.C.S.P.
Team Sports Chiropractor
United States
G.M. Clint Robinson
Vincent Gonzales MBA MSHA
United States
Carol Lewis, MBA, SHRM-CP, OLY
Chairman of the Board
United States
Larry Voorhees
United States
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