US-ASEAN Business Council

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The US-ASEAN Business Council is the premier advocacy organization for U.S. corporations operating within the dynamic Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), serving as the leading voice of the U.S. private sector in promoting mutually beneficial trade and investment relationships between the United States and Southeast Asia. ASEAN is the second-fastest growing economy in Asia at $2.4 trillion, and has attracted more U.S. investment than any other destination in the whole of Asia ($159 billion). The Council's members include more than 160 of the most successful and innovative corporations in the world. Our members include the largest US companies conducting business in ASEAN, and range from newcomers to the region to companies that have been working in Southeast Asia for over 100 years Combined, our member companies generate over $6 trillion in revenue and employ more than 13 million people worldwide. The Council has offices in: Washington, DC; New York, NY; Bangkok, Thailand; Hanoi, Vietnam; Jakarta, Indonesia; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Manila, Philippines; and Singapore.

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US-ASEAN Business Council's headquarter address
Line 1: 1101 17th street northwest, washington, district of columbia, united states
Line 2: 1101 17th Street Northwest
US-ASEAN Business Council's industries
International Trade and Development
US-ASEAN Business Council's technology
Apache DigitalOcean Drupal Google Analytics Google Font API MailChimp SPF Mimecast Mobile Friendly Outlook Rackspace
People working at US-ASEAN Business Council
Patrick Graham
Washington, Wisconsin, United States
Dr Colin D'Silva
Vice-Chair Food & Agriculture Committee
Washington, Wisconsin, United States
Jan Meurer
Board Member
Washington, Wisconsin, United States
Choo Pin A.
Washington, Wisconsin, United States
Penny Burtt
Board Member
Washington, Wisconsin, United States
Julian Ha
Board Director
Washington, Wisconsin, United States
Pierre Gaudreault
Director, Board of Directors
Washington, Wisconsin, United States
Patrick K.
Washington, Wisconsin, United States
Elizabeth Dugan
Vice President-Operations
Washington, Wisconsin, United States
Htet Yan
Policy & Research Intern
Washington, Wisconsin, United States
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