Van Praag Beheer Limited

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Robert van Praag currently holds the position of Country Manager Netherlands at Apogado. Apogado Apogado (*) (the Integration Engineers) stands for a team of experienced IT professionals with a main focus on integrating IT systems. We make sure that existing and new applications within your organisation can communicate seamlessly. Our strategy Our strategy involves on joining existing applications and new components to build a homogeneous architecture. Hereby using the integration technology (EAI, BPM, B2B) as a means to construct a well functioning IT platform. Why Apogado? We differentiate ourselves by an in-depth relevant IT-experience (+50 men years), a very thorough knowledge on integration technology in all its aspects, a flexible and pragmatic approach as well as a very good understanding of the business processes in today's organisations. (*) Apogado : Esperanto for "giving support; bringing solutions" and that's exactly what we do. Robert is an experienced executive with extensive senior sales and general management background. Over the years he developed a broad background in the global financial sector and has a strong track record of successfully developing new business opportunities. Specialties: Entrepreneur, dealmaker, pioneer, enthusiastic, charismatic manager with high EQ. * Self-starter, able to work independently and able to develop high levels of customer trust; * Strong conceptual and analytical thinking; * Strong and creative commercial drive; * Adaptability; * Eager; * A results driven pioneer, entrepreneur; * Excellent in developing strategies; * Outstanding presentation skills; * Creative attitude to approach opportunities and face challenges;

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management consulting
People working at Van Praag Beheer Limited
Rinus van Praag
Entrepreneur, CEO
Boxmeer, North Brabant, Netherlands
Pia van Praag
Huisvrouw, Cook
Boxmeer, North Brabant, Netherlands
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