Varshasookt Private Limited

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We offer - "Resource Efficient and sustainable technologies". We provide competitive edge to your organization to achieve high level of industry standards with sustainable systems & technologies maintaining community goodwill at large. Varshasookt is committed to ‘Sustainable Economic Solutions towards Conserving Resources and preserving the environment for future' - two areas vital for the society. We support industry, businesses, individuals, institutions and commercial establishments to be Resource Efficient and Environment-friendly.The technologies and services we offer are developed, deployed and serviced through the eyes of the customer and measured by their voice. If we are obsessed with the quality of our technologies & services, our customer's organization is bound to get benefited by growth and profit.

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Varshasookt Private Limited's headquarter address
Line 1: fb 13, 1st floor, high street corporate center (highstreet mall), kapurbawadi junction, near big bazzar, thane west, maharashtra, india 400607, thane, maharashtra 400607, in
Line 2: 2 Maharashtra
Varshasookt Private Limited's industries
environmental services
Varshasookt Private Limited's technology
Mobile Friendly Nginx
People working at Varshasookt Private Limited
Chitralekha Vaidya
Chief Executive Officer
Thane, Maharashtra, India
Chitralekha Vaidya
Thane, Maharashtra, India
Ketan Mantri
Business Development Executive
Thane, Maharashtra, India
Komal Bandal
Executive Business Development
Thane, Maharashtra, India
Corporate Social Responsibility
Project Manager
Thane, Maharashtra, India
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility
Thane, Maharashtra, India
Anuya Deshpande
Senior Executive CSR
Thane, Maharashtra, India
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