Veterinary Health Innovation Engine

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The Veterinary Health Innovation Engine (vHive) is a unique partnership between the University of Surrey and Zoetis Centre for Digital Innovation, supported by a co-investment of £8.5 million in resources dedicated to the development and adoption of new digital technologies in animal health. This new centre will utilise transformational digital and data analytics tools to advance the wellbeing of domestic animals. Digital technologies including wearables, apps, sensors and satellites promise to transform real-time information capture for animal owners and their veterinary advisors. Access to Big Data and engagement with the emerging Internet of Things will lead to new opportunities in research, business and education. This will enable improved understanding of animal health and early identification of problems in an analogous manner to eHealth for people. The Veterinary Health Innovation Engine (vHive) is an exciting new partnership between the University of Surrey and Zoetis Centre for Digital Innovation, with specialist input from the School of Veterinary Medicine, the Centre for the Digital Economy at the Business School, and the 5G Innovation Centre. The vHive partnership is unique due to the multi-disciplinary collaboration between various centres from the University of Surrey and Zoetis.

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Veterinary Health Innovation Engine's headquarter address
Line 1: vet school main building (vsm), daphne jackson road, guildford, surrey gu2 7al, gb
Line 2: Daphne Jackson Road
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Veterinary Health Innovation Engine's technology
Apache Bootstrap Framework Google Font API Google Tag Manager Mobile Friendly Nginx reCAPTCHA
People working at Veterinary Health Innovation Engine
Taran R.
Data Scientist
Surrey Research Park, England, United Kingdom
Alasdair Cook
Surrey Research Park, England, United Kingdom
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