Vibrantz Technologies Inc.

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Vibrantz Technologies INC is a leading global technology leader in color solutions, functional coatings and specialty minerals whose purpose is to bring color, performance and vibrancy to life in countless products across a broad array of end markets.

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Vibrantz Technologies Inc.'s headquarter address
Line 1: Houston, TEXAS
Vibrantz Technologies Inc.'s industries
Chemical Manufacturing
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People working at Vibrantz Technologies Inc.
Iran Bryseida Lopez Lemus
Sourcing Manager
Houston, Texas, United States
Glenn Fish
Executive Vice President & Chief Financial Officer
Houston, Texas, United States
James Pastor
Director of Business Intelligence and Corporate Applications
Houston, Texas, United States
Nilanjan De
Director ERP - SAP
Houston, Texas, United States
D. Michael Wilson
President and Chief Executive Officer
Houston, Texas, United States
Rossana Casali
Houston, Texas, United States
Karina Castillo Contreras
Americas Procurement Manager
Houston, Texas, United States
Suresh Rao
SVP - Information Technology and Chief Integration Officer
Houston, Texas, United States
Verghese Thomas
Vice President Corporate Development (American Securities)
Houston, Texas, United States
Matthias Peter Bell
President, Performance Coatings
Houston, Texas, United States
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