Victoria ID

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Organisations are continously looking for innovative add-on software which eliminates unnessecary manual operations so they make better use of the time gained. Victoria ID is such an API add-on. It offers the most advanced and fully automated screening platform with the widest range of integratable checks. Our software supercharges organisations by speeding up the screening proces by 90%. We aim to build the leading screening software for 2.500+ employees. Create your own screening eco-system and optimize the organisation with: Time: Solve the HR black Box by tracking candidates Never lose sight of candidates again by using the interactive live screening dashboard provided with all real-time check statuses. Automation: Eliminate manual operations Enjoy the ease of receiving validated candidate data starting after one single click by pre-configuring settings such as: screening profiles, check settings, emailtemplates and alerts. Legislation: GDPR compliant Helps organizations comply with legislation regarding retreiving candidate data and the associated retention periods. Better candidate onboarding: White label screening This screenings operating system is designed to implement screening on a large scale and can be used on behalf of your brand with your own texts, colors and logo. Safety: Professional working environment Good pre-candidate selection creates a safe and better working environment.

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Victoria ID's headquarter address
Line 1: Grote Bickerstraat 74, Amsterdam, Noord Holland 1013 KS, NL
Line 2: 74 Grote Bickersstraat
Victoria ID's industries
information technology & services
Victoria ID's technology
Amazon AWS Amazon SES Google Play Google Tag Manager Hubspot Laravel Magento Microsoft Office 365 Mobile Friendly Nginx Outlook Render Route 53 Salesforce reCAPTCHA
People working at Victoria ID
Stephanie Eliane Eikhoudt
Founder | CEO
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Andreas Boon
Software Architect
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Natasa Lazarevic
Senior Product Designer
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Steven Limandjaja
Product Designer
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
Rogier Bogaards
Software Enigeer
Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands
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