Viega LLC

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Viega North America is the leader in cold press technology. Since coming to the United States in 1999, they've provided innovative solutions and systems for plumbing and HVAC across commercial, industrial, residential, and marine sectors. With more applications and approvals, Viega press fittings promise higher durability, quality, and versatility on the job – no matter the application. Currently, Viega offers more than 3,000 products, including Viega ProPress®, Viega MegaPress®, Viega PureFlow®, MegaPress® CuNi, and Radiant heating and cooling systems. Viega LLC also offers a variety of educational opportunities. Their technical training consultants bring real-world experience, industry knowledge, and engagement directly to contractors, engineers and suppliers through in-person and online workshops. In-person training is available at seminar centers in Colorado and New Hampshire. Learn more: viega.us

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Viega LLC's headquarter address
Line 1: 585 interlocken blvd, broomfield, colorado, united states, 80021
Line 2: 585 Interlocken Blvd
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People working at Viega LLC
Frank Schlamminger
Director IT Project Management
Markus Brettschneider
President & CEO Viega LLC
Broomfield, Colorado, United States
David Carey
Manager, Information Technology - Infrastructure
Broomfield, Colorado, United States
Dave Jeary, MS, CSP
NA Environment, Health and Safety Manager
Broomfield, Colorado, United States
Eike Heetderks
Director HR, Transformation
Broomfield, Colorado, United States
John Sullivan
CFO & Vice President IT
Broomfield, Colorado, United States
Kristen Coar
Senior Director, Procurement
Broomfield, Colorado, United States
Lars Erkelenz
Vice President Supply Chain
Broomfield, Colorado, United States
Alex R.
Director, Supply Chain Controlling
Broomfield, Colorado, United States
Christian Geisthoff
Vice President Corporate Development
Broomfield, Colorado, United States
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