Viking Dairy Company

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Who We Are-- Viking Dairy Company offers an extensive range of dry dairy ingredients. Our producer partnerships allow us to consistently supply quality products, provide knowledgeable technical assistance, all while maintaining competitive prices.Our Standards-- Viking Dairy Company is committed to consistently providing quality products, building trusting relationships through communication and offering our customers many options to serve their unique production needs.Who We Serve-- Viking Dairy Company serves a variety of customers in the Feed, Food, Confectionery, Ice Cream and Nutritional industries. We utilize our longstanding producer partnerships and buying power to secure competitive pricing and consistent supply so that we can pass along those savings to our customers.

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Viking Dairy Company's headquarter address
Line 1: 7615 smetana lane, eden prairie, mn, united states
Line 2: 7615 Smetana Ln
Viking Dairy Company's industries
Food & Beverages
Viking Dairy Company's technology
People working at Viking Dairy Company
Annie Larson
Sales and Sourcing Manager
Eden Prairie, Minnesota, United States
Seth Lange
Sales and Sourcing Manager
Eden Prairie, Minnesota, United States
Joe Uter
Ingredient Sales and Purchasing
Eden Prairie, Minnesota, United States
Cole Konrad
Food & Ag Trader
Eden Prairie, Minnesota, United States
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