Virginia Department of Forensic Science

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The Virginia Department of Forensic Science (DFS) is a nationally accredited forensic laboratory system serving all state and local law enforcement agencies, medical examiners, and Commonwealth's Attorneys in Virginia. Our examiners provide technical assistance and training, evaluate and analyze evidence, interpret results, and provide expert testimony related to the full spectrum of physical evidence recovered from crime scenes.

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Virginia Department of Forensic Science's headquarter address
Line 1: biotech seven, 700 n 5th st, richmond, va 23219, ee. uu.
Line 2: 700 North 5th Street
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People working at Virginia Department of Forensic Science
Jesse M. Lindmar
Forensic Scientist Section Supervisor - Digital & Multimedia Evidence Section
Richmond, Virginia, United States
Alka Lohmann
Director of Technical Services
Richmond, Virginia, United States
Kristin Mossé, MS
DNA Databank Analyst
Richmond, Virginia, United States
Jennifer Taylor, MPA, VCA
Senior Procurement Specialist
Richmond, Virginia, United States
Jeff Ban
Central Laboratory Director
Richmond, Virginia, United States
Brandon Reyes, ABC-DA
Forensic Scientist
Richmond, Virginia, United States
James Hutchings
Toxicology Program Manager
Richmond, Virginia, United States
Jennifer Rowe
Forensic Scientist Senior
Richmond, Virginia, United States
wayne rigsby
Richmond, Virginia, United States
Madison Boden
Physical Evidence Recovery Kit (PERK) Tracking System Coordinator
Richmond, Virginia, United States
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