VirtualCare - Systems for Life

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VirtualCare is a spin-off of that originates from the experience acquired over the last 10 years by a group of researchers based at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto, with different backgrounds and experiences ranging from medical and biostatistics to computer science. The main goal of VirtualCare is to create solutions that allow the systematic application of information technologies and biomedical knowledge to the health care area, aiming to improve its quality and increase its efficiency. The products, processes and services intended to be introduced to the market cover the main stages of the information cycle in Health, enhancing the medical decision-making processes and increasing patient autonomy: acquisition; processing; validation; presentation; analysis; interpretation and storage. We intend to supply products with features that: (a) Reduce the institutions' expenses; (b) Save time and labor for human resources; (c) Maximize the efficiency of the employee activities; (d) Improve the quality of the information (e) Increase the integration of the information systems.

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Line 1: rua vale formoso 628, porto, portugal
Line 2: 628 Rua do Vale Formoso
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People working at VirtualCare - Systems for Life
Tiago Silva-Costa
CEO-Chief Executive Officer
Porto, Porto, Portugal
Pedro Silva
Product Manager
Porto, Porto, Portugal
Pedro Correia
Responsável de Comunicação e Ilustração Gráfica
Porto, Porto, Portugal
Pedro M. A. Rocha
Senior Developer
Porto, Porto, Portugal
Welington Teixeira Santos
Associate Founder
Eliana Sousa
Product Manager
Porto, Porto, Portugal
Gustavo Bacelar, MD MBA
Theory of Constraints Consultant
Porto, Porto, Portugal
Paulo Vasconcelos da Mota
Desenvolvedor de front-end
Porto, Porto, Portugal
José Soares
Full Stack Developer
Porto, Porto, Portugal
Washington L.
Frontend Web Developer
Porto, Porto, Portugal
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