Vista Consulting Group

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Vista Consulting Group (VCG) is the dedicated consulting partner of Vista Equity Partners, a leading global investor in enterprise software, data, and technology-enabled businesses. Our team of operating executives, practice advisors, and consultants provides a differentiated understanding of how an enterprise software company can thrive, offering counsel and proven solutions to ensure the Vista community continues to grow, evolve, and lead in their markets. With insights from hundreds of software investments made by Vista Equity Partners over two decades, VCG works alongside management teams to integrate best practices across business operations, talent management, product and technology, growth and expansion, as well as other strategic value creation initiatives to enhance our ecosystem of innovators. VCG is integral to Vista’s investment philosophy and vision, helping companies continuously improve and advance to the next level of excellence. VCG personnel are not employees or partners of Vista Equity Partners and are compensated separately for their services by portfolio companies or the funds managed by Vista Equity Partners.

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Vista Consulting Group's headquarter address
Line 1: austin, tx
Vista Consulting Group's industries
Venture Capital and Private Equity Principals
Vista Consulting Group's technology
Product and Technology Go-To-Market Business Operations Value Creation Finance and Administration Talent Strategy and Corporate Development
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