VP Solar srl

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VP Solar company subject to management and coordination by Tadiran Group Ltd has been working in the field of renewable energy and energy saving since 1999. Led by innovation in R&D VP Solar has developed a reputation as an innovative supplier who delivers. The company was founded by Stefano Loro whose has developed a passion for renewable energy and energy conservation since the mid 1980s. Our historical connections and experience mean we have been able to develop a network of worldwide suppliers working in the green economy. We have become preferred partners with many and thus are able to offer our customers the .best and latest in Renewable Energy. This preferential supplier network allows VP Solar's to focus on delivering the high quality solutions it has become famous for. Our great relationship with suppliers means we can offer similar to our customers. Professionalism and service are the cornerstones of the business, our smart, lean distribution can respond quickly to customer requests with innovation and efficiency.

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VP Solar srl's headquarter address
Line 1: Via Levada, 145, Pederobba, Treviso 31040, IT
Line 2: 143 Via Levada
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People working at VP Solar srl
Stefano Loro
Volpago del Montello, Veneto, Italy
Samuele Callegarin
CDO Integrazione digitale dei processi aziendali
Volpago del Montello, Veneto, Italy
Roberta Cavarzan
Purchase Department
Volpago del Montello, Veneto, Italy
Shachar Krupchik
Volpago del Montello, Veneto, Italy
Riccardo Frisinghelli
Export Sales Manager
Volpago del Montello, Veneto, Italy
Alessio Maso
Chief Financial Officer
Volpago del Montello, Veneto, Italy
Nicola Curto
Commerciale - Sales manager
Volpago del Montello, Veneto, Italy
Natascia Cendron 💡
Digital Specialist, Graphic & Web Designer
Volpago del Montello, Veneto, Italy
Yuri Rebellato
Account Manager Key Account
Volpago del Montello, Veneto, Italy
daniele gajo
amministrazione e finanza
Volpago del Montello, Veneto, Italy
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