Wafra International Investment Co.

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Wafra International Investment Company, Kuwait, was established in 1994 as a Kuwaiti shareholding closed company. Wafra's capital amounts to KD 15 million (USD 45 million). Shareholders' equity reached KD 90 million as of December, 2020. ‘Wafra' manages different types of portfolios and investment funds; assets under management (AUM) are approximately KD 2.7 billions as of Sep, 2021 Wafra's investment strategy is based on the principle of diversification with regards to sectors and geographical distribution. This includes the use of various investment tools and products which provide efficient balance between risk boundaries and percentage of returns, for portfolios managed for medium and long-term duration. Wafra International Investment Company is set apart by its highly-qualified personnel, experienced in the field of investment generally, and particularly in asset management. The Company is always eager to build strong relationships with its clients, based on mutual trust, honesty and transparency.

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People working at Wafra International Investment Co.
Ghazi Al-Hajeri
Chief Executive Officer
Kuwait City, Al Asimah, Kuwait
Dalal AlRayes
Board Member
Kuwait City, Al Asimah, Kuwait
Abdulmohsin Almukhaizeem
Chief Investment Officer
Kuwait City, Al Asimah, Kuwait
Feras AlRushaid
Chief Operating Officer
Kuwait City, Al Asimah, Kuwait
Hamad Al Hammad, ICA
Senior Compliance & AML Officer
Kuwait City, Al Asimah, Kuwait
Burhan Kamali, CFA
Manager - Direct Investments
Kuwait City, Al Asimah, Kuwait
Ashraf Tanago
Vice President
Kuwait City, Al Asimah, Kuwait
Beshar Al-Awadhi, MBA, CERM, ITF
VP Risk Management
Kuwait City, Al Asimah, Kuwait
Ali Behbehani
Assistant Vice President
Kuwait City, Al Asimah, Kuwait
Mohammad Alabdulhadi
Assistant Vice President
Kuwait City, Al Asimah, Kuwait
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