Wanda Dunham Consulting

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Wanda Dunham Consulting (WDC) is a full service Transit and Leadership Management Consulting Firm located in Atlanta, Georgia. We provide organizational and crisis management, as well as security, communications , human resources, and leadership consulting services to a variety of clients in the private and public sectors. WDC offers our clients hands-on experience, leadership, integrity, and a commitment to excellence. Collectively, the WDC team has over three decades of transit experience assisting in organizational readiness, team assessments, conducting strategic planning and assisting with community engagement. WDC is dedicated to consistently meeting the operational needs of our clients. We continue to provide solutions that positively impact our growing client base in the following industries: *Government & Municipalities *Not-for-profit *Professional Services *Public Transportation

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professional training & coaching
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People working at Wanda Dunham Consulting
Wanda Y. Dunham MPA ( Retired Police Chief)
President & CEO
Atlanta, Georgia, United States
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