Warfare Solutions LLC

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WARFARE SOLUTIONS LLC is a boutique recruiting firm specializing in Electronic Warfare/Spectrum Warfare/Communications/Avionics and anything that deals with the defense electronics industry. We recruit on every vehicle on the Electro Magnetic Spectrum Highway and every platform from Subsea to Space.  We specialize in strategic and leadership positions in Business Development/sales,  Operations, Program Management.  We specialize in engineering positions in the Defense electronics industry including Engineering Management.  Many recruiters poke around the electronic defense industry, but we specialize in it.  Our portfolio is balanced by Commercial advanced materials, (composites) by unmanned technology sensor packages, and motion control/robotics. The customer interface of most of our tier 1 clients are DOD (USAF, USN, USMC, US Army SOCCOM,) Intelligence agencies,  and Government agencies.  We also work with Sub system houses, and components companies that sell into the Primes in the defense electronics industry.  We recruit directly, by embedding ourself in the industry and  maintaining relationship giving back to the community to which we belong. You may find us featured in the JED and with the AOC.

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Warfare Solutions LLC's headquarter address
Line 1: los angeles, ca
Warfare Solutions LLC's industries
defense & space
Warfare Solutions LLC's technology
Microsoft Office 365 Outlook Wordpress.com
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