Wassenburg Medical B.V.

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Wassenburg Medical is a world leader in delivering excellent endoscope reprocessing products and solutions. Established in 1984 by Gerrit Wassenburg, the business has developed from a family company into a global player and is an expert in all aspects related to automated endoscope reprocessing. Wassenburg Medical has been a member of the HOYA corporation since 2013. Wassenburg solutions are designed to deliver a safe and controlled treatment of flexible endoscopes. Our end-to-end total solution includes pre-cleaning, washing and disinfection, drying and storage, transport and traceability. Since its establishment, Wassenburg has grown exponentially. With headquarters in The Netherlands, sales offices in The UK, Ireland, France, Germany and an exclusive distributors network in Europe, Middle East, Australia, New Zealand and Africa, Wassenburg Medical is expanding its global footprint rapidly. For more information and to view our solutions, please visit our website www.wassenburgmedical.com.

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People working at Wassenburg Medical B.V.
Marie José van Densen
Head of Operations
Opheusden, Gelderland, Netherlands
Ronald Wassenburg
Opheusden, Gelderland, Netherlands
Jeroen Geelhoed
Procurement Manager
Opheusden, Gelderland, Netherlands
Tom Berteloot
Managing Director
Opheusden, Gelderland, Netherlands
Thomas H.
Field Service Engineer
Opheusden, Gelderland, Netherlands
Fred van Gerven
Manager R&D ǀ Life Cycle Development
Opheusden, Gelderland, Netherlands
Robert-Jan Zwikker
Senior buyer
Opheusden, Gelderland, Netherlands
Sjoerd Bijma
Senior Buyer
Opheusden, Gelderland, Netherlands
Laurent Cabau
Directeur général- Managing director
Opheusden, Gelderland, Netherlands
Samantha Talbot
Supply Chain Team Lead
Opheusden, Gelderland, Netherlands
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