Waypoint Analytical - Environmental Services

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Waypoint Analytical believes that scientifically sound, legally defensible analytical data is the most critical element for the success of an environmental project. Ensuring a project's data quality objectives are met is our primary goal. We do this by: - Providing a superior standard of service - Providing services that follow the entire life cycle of a project from initial planning, to implementation, to project management, to reporting and invoicing - Utilizing the latest and best technology for each project - Operating with an unwavering commitment to quality and our clients Waypoint provides environmental testing of a variety of matrices including: - Groundwater - Surface Water - Drinking Water - Solid & Hazardous Wastes and Sludge - Petroleum Products - Soils Procedures are performed by approved methodologies as directed by: - The US EPA - Standard Methods - ASTM - Various State Directed Methodologies Methods are applicable to RCRA, CWA, NPDES, SDWA, TSCA, CLP and other regulated or client requested testing requirements.

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Waypoint Analytical - Environmental Services's headquarter address
Line 1: 2790 whitten rd, memphis, tennessee 38133, us
Line 2: 2790 Whitten Rd
Waypoint Analytical - Environmental Services's industries
environmental services
People working at Waypoint Analytical - Environmental Services
Ashley Morris
National Environmental Sales Director
Memphis, Tennessee, United States
Kyle Collins
General Manager
Memphis, Tennessee, United States
Ron Boquist
Operations Specialist
Memphis, Tennessee, United States
Jamie Naman Corporaal
Laboratory Project Manager
Memphis, Tennessee, United States
Michelle Opelt
Purchasing Manager
Andy Parrish
Regional Account Manager
Danyale Love
Laboratory Project Manager
Memphis, Tennessee, United States
Amy Jackson
Project Manager
Memphis, Tennessee, United States
Jeff Kline
Cyber Security Analyst
Memphis, Tennessee, United States
Cory Goetz
Web Development Manager
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