We Bandits GmbH

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Sustainable Fair Fashion Label & Concept Store for Korean and European Fashion based in Vienna Carrying 95 brands from South Korea, adding some Scandinavian designers and here we are: WE BANDITS - a unique fashion store in the heart of Viennas puzzling 7th district! Fashionable, timeless, unique collections, found nowhere else in Europe. Our expert staff is fantastic in finding the one piece you'll love to wear, the one piece that makes you feel naturally good. ​The close-knit partnerships with our brands and limited quantities of the collections presented in store ensure a transparent production process and make each single piece exceptional.

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apparel & fashion
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People working at We Bandits GmbH
Sophie Pollak
Founder & CEO
Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Kasia Korman
Project Manager Online Marketing
Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Antonia Fischer
Assistenz Shopleitung
Vienna, Vienna, Austria
We Bandits
Sabine Hribernik
Store Manager
Vienna, Vienna, Austria
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