WEB Aruba N.V.

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WEB Aruba is the only water and energy production company on Aruba. We desalinate seawater through a combination of Multi-Stage Flash Evaporation and Seawater Reverse Osmosis, (our desalination plant will soon move to 100% SWRO-desalination). WEB Aruba is also the sole distributor of drinking water on the island. WEB generates energy through a combination of turbine generators, wind turbines and RECIP engines. We deliver this energy to our sister company, local energy distribution company, NV ELMAR. Our vision is to operate a 'Cleaner, Greener and Fuel Oil Free'​ facility by the year 2020. Moving ahead we are initiating projects we consider to be reliable, affordable and sustainable; in keeping with our requirements for our end-products. Projects currently in development include: Waste to Energy/Biogas, thermal Ice Storage cooling and Underwater Compressed Air Energy storage.

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WEB Aruba N.V.'s headquarter address
Line 1: Balashi 76, Aruba, Oranjestad, AW
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People working at WEB Aruba N.V.
Giovanni Tromp
Head Of Information and Communication Technology Department
Francis Ras
Division Manager Technical Affairs
Oranjestad, Aruba
William Woodley
Facility Maintenance Strategic Project Manager
Dyon Everon
Mechanical Supervisor Wartsila engines W32 W46
Oranjestad, Aruba
Eldrick Nogera
Instrument Technician
Michel Janssen, MBA
Head of Financial Planning, Control and Analysis
Alexander Biesum
Joseph Everon
Technical Affairs Manager
Oranjestad, Aruba
Lucia A. Werleman
Project Leader
Oranjestad, Aruba
Richard Frank
Division Manager Production (and working in parallel as SRO of "Programa 2020")
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