Weekendays Holidays

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We are a leading Travel management company with an exclusive team and a full- fledged tour operator in the UAE. Weekendays Holidays is an umbrella organization for Travel and Tourism Business. Through a multitude of companies and partnerships focused on Hospitality, we aim to give everyone involved in a Travel decision the ability to see Tourism through his/her own perspective. Our nation is a role model for the Middle East today with its wise leadership, visionary thinking, spirit of enterprise and its amazing advancements in commerce and technology. We, as a dynamic business entity are proud of our participation in building the nation's infrastructure, especially in the fields of travel & tourism.

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People working at Weekendays Holidays
Rajesh Lal
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Claudette Lastra
Account Executive
Deman Sahu
Tour Operator
Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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